Stories that start with image sensors suck!

What can you possibly tell when posting such an image? I wish there was a story to it that's of any interest.

Let's try this:

One day, I brought my image sensor up Empire State Building. He hasn't been there yet so I thought I would show him around. He was so delighted by the view, he said: "hold still! Hold still! I wanna collect those photons, they match so well together!" - and it turned out really pretty. When we came home from our trip my computer looked kind of jealous, sitting at home all day: "let me see what you guys got", said the computer quite angrily. My camera proudly handed out all those red, green and blue pixels it produced. The camera was startled to see the computer's defiant actions when turning all the beautiful colors into different shades of gray. When my screen saw the result, he first carefully looked at the two brawlers who had turned their backs to each other, then smiled at me, knowing this was the result I was looking for.

This one is funny:
American children stories end with: "And they all lived happily ever after."
You wanna know how the German version of this sentence goes?
It goes like this: "And if they didn't die, then they are still living today."


Couple in Rain

I got this rain cape for my camera. It's basically not much more than an oddly shaped plastic bag that's open on both ends. It has a string on one end so you can tighten it where the lens sticks out, and a little hole for the viewfinder. It's probably the most overpriced product after movie theater popcorn, but just as the popcorn, it seems very valuable when you are in the mood for it :)

I'm probably not the only one who thinks that there is something romantic about heavy rain on a warm night. The old city of Philadelphia works perfectly for me to fit this mood.

First Wedding Attempt

I had the opportunity to take some wedding pictures for a friend.

Only recently I noticed that there is wedding photography out there that I actually find interesting. Not that I don't like wedding pics, but photography wise, I often find them a little dull after a while.

When I saw a friends wedding pictures taken by Alison Mayfield (who belongs to the Christian Oth Studio), I noticed how nicely it can be combined with street photography. So I had the chance to try, Steffi and I accompanied freshly married Tim and Emilia on the streets for what I think was an hour. Luckily, when you are in New York City, scenery almost always looks kind of OK, perfect for some spontaneous shooting - here are my favorites.