
Returned from Paris yesterday. Now can someone please explain to me how France made it to the top of Yahoo's "The World's Rudest Nations for Travelers" list?After reading this I was expecting the very worst. To my surprise I met nothing but very nice people. Okay, I didn't drive a car there and I tried not to act like a (sorry) total idiot tourist. Walked lots of streets, asked for directions, sit in cafes, bought things..everybody was super friendly and helpful. Not fake friendly, just friendly. One night being stuck after learning that the Metro stops operating at 1 in the morning, I even got to share a long taxi ride with a local and didn't even have to pay anything. That's more than you could ask for. Good, there was this one pickpocket who unsuccessfully tried to trick me, but I don't think such individuals should be counted to the group of rude average people.Makes me wonder if you guys made different experiences as tourists in France.


The city of Genoa in Italy. VERY interesting place for photography if you ask me. Dark, complex, exhausting. While approaching it from the highway it looked menacing to us. I was reminded of this scene in Inception where the city folds in on itself. Remember that? You might walk around and think you've seen everything, and then you find yourself on a steep edge, looking down at more magnificent parts of the city on different levels right below your feet. The child in me is fascinated. The adult in me might just describe it as "very steep".