Rømø Causeway

Whenever Steffi and I visited beaches in Germany we had the same question: where are all the young people? Different from the beaches we know from the US in Germany you almost only see gray haired people. No offense, getting grayer myself. However, no action, no sports, just slow strolling on the German coast.
Today I found out where the action is taking place. Seems like everybody is on the Danish island of Rømø. I saw surfers and kiteboarders arriving from all over Germany.
Was great to be there - did some slow strolling ;-)


I was a Zaungast in Copenhagen last weekend. Mostly drawn to flea markets somehow. I guess it's because you get to know something about the people when exposing themselves and their belongings on the street. And maybe also because your girlfriend finds interesting clothes there ;-) Zaungast by the way means as much as standing by the fence and watching. I hope I didn't have too much of a German stare. Does my writing sound like someone got naked on the street? That would be a misunderstanding then.

Anyway, it looks I've found a nice apartment on the northern tip of Germany now. Built in 1906 and pretty charming. So maybe at the next flea market I get involved and find something for that place. And if you wonder why I'm writing all this, I don't know. Perhaps I don't want to leave my Gast all alone in the quiet dark looking at a bike leaning against a Zaun.