Strandurlaub III
I have to speed up a little preparing these images for the big exhibition that's coming up. Here are some more.
Strandurlaub II
You can find the first one right here.
Strandurlaub I - NIZZA DES NORDENS
This is the first picture from my shooting last Saturday that I did in collaboration with "NIZZA DES NORDENS Creative District" in Wiesbaden. The theme was Beach Vacation and took place in an abandoned shopping mall in a town that was once known as "Nice of the North".Everybody was invited to come and join us for our awesome beach vacation. Most people seemed to have other plans for that weekend, or maybe it was just too far out of their comfort zone. However, the few who showed up just kicked ass. Especially Snirgel and Susanne impressed us with their spirit and and a whole car crammed with beachy equipment. More pictures to come.
So, letztes Wochenende war dann endlich das Shooting zu dem wir über wiesbaden.eins und Facebook eingeladen hatten. Viele haben es am Samstag nicht in die leerstehende Mauritiusgalerie geschafft, doch dank unserer wenigen ambitionierten Teilnehmern habe ich dann doch noch ein paar nette Fotos machen können. Das hier ist das erste, mehr kommt später.