
The "pole pyramid" is a permanent art installation very close to Frankfurt. Took us as little as two hours by bicycle to get there ;-)

Speaking of Frankfurt, I will leave this city end of the month and move to the far north of Germany. Frankfurt and I needed lots of time to warm up with each other. I guess both of us are not easy to get to, but with some fun people around it turned into a nice time. Anyway, after two years I finally found a good reason to say bye bye. Starting September you will find me in Kiel, which is right by the Baltic Sea, an hour north of Hamburg and an hour south of Denmark. I'm looking forward to a new opportunity and of course new sceneries with lots to explore.

Heart Shaped Balloon

From my experience, this is how the whole photo licensing thing seems to work:

- For better ranking in search engines, make sure every post on your blog has its own page and the post-title is part of the URL.

- Now and then post a photo of something that you think could work for advertisement or as a book cover.

- Give it a descriptive title so it shows up as a relevant result in image searches.

- Soon you will receive emails with requests for those other pictures you never thought someone would want.

It's the most unpredictable thing, but that's OK.

The Memorial of the Murdered Jews of Europe

During my last night in Berlin I passed by this very large field of concrete blocks. I remembered my friend Tom Perry talking about this memorial and showing me his picture, but I haven't been there myself before.What confused me was that in his photo the blocks looked so tall. From what I saw however, they seemed just knee-high. I decided to enter the memorial and walk between the blocks in the dark. Without seeing too much I started noticing a slope. Shortly after the memorial swallowed me entirely. Because it goes so far down and the blocks get taller and taller, you can completely disappear in there. I wandered between the blocks for a while in the silence with no one around and was somewhat glad when I got out of it after a while.
Don't miss this impressive piece of art when you are in Berlin.