This could make a good series

OK, after some experimenting I think I've found the way to go with those chess pictures. I have a series of portraits that I think are interesting together as long as they are processed in the same way. Instead of defacing chess players with wannabe-draganzing experiments, I'll go for candid black and white images. There is still a lot of adjustments involved, but I think I'm able to do this. Here is a first try.

Prison Chess Match

So what's the prison story? Last Wednesday I had the opportunity to witness and photograph a chess match between students and prison inmates - six students versus about 60 prisoners in simultaneous chess. The event attracted journalists and a TV team, at this point I don't need to explain any further and just show you the video (my images will come later).

Back from Prison

This morning I spent inside the maximum-security section of New Jersey State Prison where I documented a curious and rare event. I'll write more about it once I find the time to go through my pictures. For now: It's about Princeton students, prison inmates, and their battle on the chessboard.