Doing it the lazy way

A very convenient way of doing street photography, instead of permanently walking, is sitting down with something to drink and shoot the same spot whenever someone passes by. Here are five anonymous pictures taken in ten minutes.
Date: March 2007
Location: Philadelphia

Creative license

Creative license is about finding the boundaries of what you can do with photography. We would like to explore images here that are the abstract edge of what is considered photography. For this theme, think about a photo as a design, composing with lines, patterns, geometry, contrast, saturation, simplicity and complexity. How can you think differently about what photography means and take creative license?

I cannot say that I 100% understand what the people of JPG Magazine had in mind when they came up with this theme, but I submitted this photograph. This is a theme for the next issue of JPG Mag and is sponsored by Adobe. That means besides money and a free magazine subscription, there are also Adobe software packages for the lucky ones who make it.

The image shows alternately concave and convex bent windows reflecting and distorting another building. I photographed this in Downtown LA two years ago.


No photographic activities during the last week, but that doesn't mean that I have nothing to post here.
This one is an old classic on my hard drive that didn't make it to this page yet. I took it at an Amish farm not far from here in Pennsylvania in 2005. I found it very fascinating how these Amish communities are living in their own world which really has nothing to do with ours. The people are very friendly and talkative (their native language is some kind of German dialect), but when it comes to taking pictures, I learned that most of them don't really like it, mostly because it involves technology, and technology is something they don't want to deal with.
Anyway, these Amish sheep seemed to have a different opinion on that and posed patiently.

A picture from a corn harvest: