The third day already

This is my third day in San Francisco and the 63rd day since my very first arrival. However, I'm still excited like a 5 year old in Disney strange is that? I'm trying to figure out why this is, but didn't come to a real conclusion. There are two things I've found out so far. It might be that I'm still very much reminded of my first trip here as a 17 year old, which was a very positive and intense experience I guess. Second, everything just suits me here. The climate and the fresh air of the pacific, the relaxed pace of the people, all these contrasts, the architecture. A lot of deep breathing, a lot of smiling. Most people you cross way treat you like their neighbor anyway.
When traveling by myself, I always stay in hostels. It's much more fun. So yesterday, I met a Japanese roommate who asked me what I would do today. I told him that I wanted to photograph the Golden Gate Bridge in the early morning fog right after sunrise. Guess what, he woke me up at 5:30 am this morning and was ready to go. I couldn't belief it. So we did that and it was quite a hike and a fun thing to do. However, the fog didn't have the appearance I was hoping for.
Here are two photograph from yesterday.

The Bucket Man

Pug on Haight Street

I hope these pictures don't turn out too dark. The reason would be the "Ultrabright" display of my laptop. I have to by lucky to get the right results out of it.

Time for a break

If you don't count extended weekends, it's been about nine month now since I had some real vacation. More or less spontaneously I decided to go on another California trip to do pretty much nothing then photography for a whole week. I'm taking off for San Francisco in a few hours. I'll bring new gear and new skills and try my best capturing the beauty of this place. Let's see...


Most of my recent posts were the results of some browsing through my hard drive and pick out something that looks worthy a post. This made this blog look random and I guess that's what it is right now, a stream of incoherent fractions. I'm basically just using this for this one single extroverted move after sitting in a narrow cubicle all day. I don't know, it just makes me feel better to send out signs of life and I'm always happy to get back the sign of another life out there.
Here is another one. Totally random and out of nothing:
During my last trip to Germany last winter, I made a train ride from my hometown to the city I used to study. This was exactly the same trip I used to do on a daily basis during my first year in College.
So back in the days I commuted back and forth every day, spending about two hours in a train that slowly made its way through the countryside. And when I say countryside, I'm really talking about small villages scattered between large fields. I used those train rides efficiently for sleeping and studying, but I really didn't like looking out of the window at this solitude. However, to make this story short: last winter, I was on this train again and I must admit that I got quite excited about all the things I saw. It seems like once you start to develop some kind of a photographic eye, things can look really different to you.
I left the train somewhere in the middle of nowhere and decided to go for a hike. I spent most of the day walking, taking pictures and totally enjoyed it. Just a little story about how photography is changing my perception of things around me.