
I'm now submitting to JPG magazine themes whenever I believe to have something suitable. I still like the concept and the whole community is pretty nice, not to mention all the amazing work you get to see.
For the latest issue I submitted to a theme called "Gravity Powered" and yeah, almost made it - if the mag would have more pages :-)
My image "Female Wrestling" has been selected for the outtakes of issue #13.

Snow People

Last man standing....Three days till Christmas and all my German colleagues have already left Princeton and are on their way home to their families. Cagil and I have some more days to experience the American Christmas flair like these shopping windows I photographed on 5th Avenue. We'll take off on Sunday - happy holidays!

"Darkglizer Hightimes"

Today I found something interesting. Someone copied my ugly page source code to create an own page that looks exactly like mine. Not that this didn't happen before, but I was asked. This copy of mine seems to be still in the making - the gallery link is still showing to my page. What to do in such cases? Am I supposed to be mad or something? Maybe I should feel honored LOL. Ironically, it seems like this page will be all about drugs :-)