Fortune Cookie

I had lunch from a Chinese place today and just opened a fortune cookie:
"Traveling this year will bring your life into greater perspective."

I'm going for a longer trip to Germany tonight...have a nice weekend everybody!

And before I forget, here are my lucky numbers: 19, 20, 26, 28, 30, 40.

View from Manhattan Bridge

Another stop from last Sunday. Taking pictures from Manhattan Bridge is always a little tricky. First of all you cannot move freely, since you have to shoot through a fence. The other problem is the heavy train and car traffic which makes the bridge vibrate most of the time. At the end I've spent quite some time up there to catch a good moment.

Trump World Tower

With almost 270 meters the 8th tallest building in New York City. Interestingly, there are no businesses or offices in there, it's all apartments. Wikipedia says that the penthouse on the top 2 floors costs $58 million...hurray!
I stopped by there after having breakfast with Denis on Sunday, the beginning of a longer photo hike through the city.