Bathroom adventure

The hotel room I'm staying in right now has a bathroom with a wild flowery wallpaper all over the place. It's ridiculous, every time I look in the mirror I have the feeling I'm part of an optical illusion...


This week I'm in Southern California, just as one year ago. This is another picture that, as many other street pictures I posted recently, was taken in Northern California, namely San Francisco - you in your hair and so on...

Back in the US

What a flight! The flight itself was actually smooth, but the landing was terrible. Because of some storm we had to stay in a holding pattern over New York where the plane was shaking back an forth. I heard babies crying and people throwing up and when we finally approached for landing, the pilot pulled up the plane again right before touchdown. At the point where even the stewardesses look concerned, you know something is wrong. Overall the landing was about an hour late and when the plane finally held still, I photographed it in front of the stormy sky.
If you notice funny lines in the image: these are reflections on the window I photographed through.