4 Movies You Might Like If You Like Photography

I'm in the middle of writing an "About Me" section for this website. Because I really like cinema I thought of pointing you toward my favorite movies that fall into the photography/picturesque section. These four are the ones that immediately came to my mind. Don't forget to hit the fullscreen buttons.

The Decisive Moment - Henri Cartier-Bresson

This little documentary shows images by French street photography pioneer Henri Cartier-Bresson. The interesting thing about this movie is that his images are accompanied by his voice.

Killer of Sheep

This one is an old and slow movie full of candid scenes that would make great photographs. If you find yourself often in museums starring at street photography from recently past times, you will enjoy this one a lot.


A documentary about the world we live in. Imagine the best travel photos you have ever seen and make them move. You might not be able to digest this movie in one session - it is quite intense.

The Band's Visit

Okay, this one is a bit different. It does have some great imagery, but it is particularly funny. Check it out!

Photo Flow - iPhone App Review

I found something really neat for all you picture takers who use iPhones and iPods. Actually it wasn't really hard to find it, as the author of the software asked me to use some of my images for an example slide show. So yes, I didn't find the app, the app actually found me.

So I tried this today, and I must say I'm really hooked. From a user experience point-of-view this app is super smooth and lets you create cool slide shows in no time. At the same time, the degree of freedom given to you as a user is pretty high. You can edit the duration of each image by moving a slider and choose fading effects from a drop-down box. I wish more apps could be so straight forward and yet powerful.
Other things I liked (besides the fact that it is free) is the option to convert slide shows into video clips and the fact that I can send slide shows as email attachments straight out of the app.

For upcoming version it would be great to have an option to import images from online photo pages like Flickr, etc.

So far it's my personal favorite for slide show creating. Two thumbs up!
You can find this app on iTunes right here.

New Flattr Numbers

Last month I got 135 Euros ($178) through Flattr.
Looking at those numbers I'm truly flattered, thank you guys! I'm still only having two Flattr buttons, but the overall number of clicks increased from 90 clicks in June to 175 clicks in July. Mostly through the New York series.
During the previous month Flattr-clicks accumulated to 33 Euros. The other day I read a post on the Financial Times blog about this new payment system and was very surprised to find my report mentioned there.

I would like to share some invite codes with you, but I'm out of them. So I guess you have to check back later..

Creative Commons

I really enjoy seeing you guys using my images and turn it into something new. This time I want to introduce you to someone from Malaysia who used one of the New York street pictures as a backdrop for a song. His name is Seen Loh and the song is called "Stay". He contacted me on Facebook where he also uploaded his clip. You might need to log in to Facebook in order to listen to it.

If you are making any kind of artwork that incorporates my images it would be nice if you would contact me - maybe I post it here on the blog. You could shoot me an email or do it like Seen and hit me up on Facebook.

Flattr Update & iFolio

I just created a portfolio on a free iPhone/iPod app named iFolio. It really doesn't do much more than showcasing images, but that very nicely. You can find it right here. Once you have the app you get to see lots of beautiful imagery. I'm sure that my stuff will get lost there, but for now you can find it if you tab on 'new'.

Flattr: After participating on Flattr for one month I counted about 90 clicks on my two Flattr buttons (one is in the New York HDR series). You might be wondering how much they accumulated. I'm looking at a revenue of 33 Euros ($42).