Saturday Night in Copenhagen
Umbrella Runners
San Francisco Midnight Walk
Taken: 2012Edited and posted: 2015So what's up with posting old pictures? I'm really sorry in case I confuse someone by giving the impression I'm constantly traveling around the world with my camera. I definitely don't do that. I have mentioned that in the past and somehow always thought that this is common sense. I mean, who does that? There are several reasons why I let pictures age on my hard drive without touching them, not even looking at them carefully.1. The treasure thing. To me it in fact feels like my photo archive is like some sort of treasure chest. One could say that digging in it is like a little escape from daily life. It's a relaxing and stimulating thing to do on a Sunday night. Instead of doing something with all the pictures right after taking them - possibly to a point where it gets tiring - I keep them until I feel really motivated to do so. I do this in little bites and that's the way I enjoy it.2. Evolution. I like to believe that my taste evolves a little, which is why I wouldn't want the 2012 Oliver spoil all the interesting finds with his bad taste. Maybe a weak example, but I listened to music by Darkside while editing this picture. The music you listen to affects your mood and your creations so much...back then I didn't even know what Darkside was.3. Keeping the blog interesting. I'm not even sure if my blog is interesting to anyone, but keeping a blog from hibernating for months makes sense to me.So whoever feels jealous about all my "traveling"...I'm at home on my couch just as you are right now :-D