Exhibition and Sale in Germany

For those who were thinking about buying one of my pictures, you have the chance to do this now. Starting today I have an exhibition in Limburg, Germany. The name of the gallery is "Galerie auf der Treppe" which means "Gallery on the stairs" and is located in the (very) old part of the city, which has a lot of historical sights and is a hotspot for tourists. Right now you can find five pictures there and it's going to be at least two more. Special thanks goes to my father who came up with the idea and worked with me on this.

The latest news are:
The pictures were in the shopping windows starting this morning and in the evening they were sold out. A person came in and simply bought them all. He agreed to wait with picking them up until new prints are ready, so the shopping windows won't be empty. I'm flattered!
Could someone take a picture of the windows for this BLOG? That would be great.