Anybody familiar with the German Fotocommunity? It's a place where many many very different kinds of (mostly amateur) photographers get together to bitch about each others work. Okay, you can also make great photography friends there, but when it comes to the main gallery you get often exposed to very harsh language. The thing is that a picture only gets into the gallery after an extensive voting that lasts for two days. In order to get into the voting a picture needs to be proposed for that by someone. This is all taken very seriously by many people like it's some kind of hall-of-fame or something like that. Now it happens that one of my images I have up there was voted into the gallery (by a very tight decision) and I have the pleasure to read all those comments. Some people seem to really hate it. It's definitely interesting to observe this whole thing.
Thanks for all the voters no matter if pro or contra.

I was told that four of my images will be shown on the front webpage for one hour this Tuesday starting 11 am German time (5 am New York time).