is a website for fine art where everybody is invited to create an account and upload work. The concept of this website is a little different from what I have seen in the online-jungle so far: Your uploaded work will not show up on this website unless it is accepted by their editors. As a result, artists have to wait until someone laid eyes on their work and found it to be good enough. The quality of the shown work satisfies a certain level and the visitor is not overwhelmed by thousands of new pictures every second. I thought I just speak out a little recommendation here. So far I only uploaded a single picture and it got accepted very quickly. The thing is that requires a minimum image resolution which is slightly higher than what I have ready for "online exhibition" right now. I will rescale and upload some images once I find some time (that didn't happen often recently). Anyway, shortly after my picture appeared on I got contacted by a company called I received an invitation email to upload and sell my work there. I haven't looked at it carefully yet but, if you happen to be a picture-taker, you might want to take this as another idea for getting more exposure.
And here is a link to my (quite empty) portfolio: Click.