Photography – Video Convergence

In the past few days more and more articles came to my attention that mentioned the merge of still image cameras and video cameras in their headlines. I'm not too much into gadgets so I ignored all those articles. Everything merges all the time: cameras, phones, music players, etc.. I simply find it tyring to jump on new technological gimmicks. Most things are obsolete before they are established and when ever cameras are merged with something small and gadgetry, the image quality is terrible, so why bother?
My preferred source for photo-talk is Dave Beckerman's blog, he is an excellent blogger and I read him daily. So did I today and when reading one of the comments on a recent post, I found a link that ultimately reminded me that the still image/video merge is serious.
With 'serious' I mean quality. One of Canon's upcoming digital SLRs seems to be having outstanding video capabilities. What the heck!? It's an SLR!
If you click the link below you will see a little movie that was made by Vincent Laforet with a pre-production Canon EOS 5D II. Nothing in this video has been post-processed.
He also shows still images taken with the camera during production. If you have a close look at the un-processed ISO-1600 and ISO-3200 images, one can see that the 21 mega pixel sensor hardly produces any noise. I don't like tech-talk too much, but this is big.

Link to the video named "Reverie".
Link to the still images.