Youtube Slideshow

After I saw my work on a slideshow on youtube, I had the glorious idea to make one myself :-)
I thought that the colorful cityscape stuff works best when put together to something that has energy. As music I chose a song by Chemical Brothers called "All Rights Reversed". I simply went through some CDs while driving home from work and tried to picture how the images would go with the music. When All Rights Reversed was playing, I already had all kinds of ideas for panning and zooming. Next was the quest for a good software. I tried two or three until I tried a program called Magix Xtreme PhotoStory. The free trial can basically do everything the full version can do.

Towards the end of my editing I did quite some fine tuning, but after uploading the video to Youtube, I noticed that in the first couple of scenes the music is not 100% synchronized. That's bothering me a little, but I'll leave it like that for now.

I believe that if you like my pictures, you will like this video. I recommend you to turn the volume up and set to full screen. By default, Youtube shows a highly down-sampled version, but I noticed that when you go on the Youtube page, there is also a link to a version of higher quality.