Cross Country - Day 5 & 6

Better late than never, here is a little post about the past two days. I spent most of the fifth day in Oklahoma. I met real Oklahomans and got some advice on what to see there. The result is the picture below: the tall grass prairie. I enjoyed this a lot. Very large open space and not a single person anywhere. The only traces of civilization are roads (not many though) and fences. Here and there a barn and some cows, and that's it. Not that I haven't seen something like that before, but you can really drive there for hours and nothing changes. And that's basically what I did.

Late at night between day 5 and 6 I reached Texas and stayed in Amarillo. Before checking in to some roadside motel, I visited the Cadillac Ranch. This is another story and worth another post.

Day six I spent driving through New Mexico up to Santa Fe. My idea was to spend a white Christmas there.

The tall grass prairie of Oklahoma. What looks like a very short arm is just me being German and bending my elbow exact 90 degrees while using the remote control.