Cross Country - Days 12 & 13

Is it two weeks already? I cannot believe it. What did I do all this time? I remember what I did on day 12: nothing. At least I didn't drive anywhere, which was good for a change. I figured out that there is nothing better than an outdoor jacuzzi after long days of driving. While I was sitting in there I thought about founding my own church. One that worships heated outdoor whirlpools. However, I'm pretty sure you don't want to read about this.
In the morning of day 13 I was undecided between staying in the area and drive the Apache Trail, or moving on and drive a bit of the Historic Route 66. I decided to move on. Too bad it is winter. The sun sets too early, and once it's dark there is not so much to see anymore. That's when I switch from slow sightseeing to driving in tunnel-vision mode. I don't wanna know how many interesting things I passed by at night without noticing. It has one good thing to it: I reached California.