Chinatown Intersection

Another picture from last year. This one was shot from Manhattan Bridge. Next weekend I'll be back in NYC for two days. A good friend asked me the other day if I'm missing my weekend trips to New York. The answer is no. I have lots of good memories of this dirty, noisy and overpriced concrete jungle. But fact is, I'm perfectly happy in California, which is by far the nicest place I have ever lived in. Except my real home in Germany I don't miss anything here, and I'm convinced that from now on my locations can only get worse. Anybody who knows me and does not come to visit me must either be broke or a big fool. Sorry guys, it's the truth. Take it as an invitation.

Anyway, after two days in New York, I'll take off to Iceland. My plan is to do a one week road trip exploring the incredible landscapes over there. There will be lots of hiking going on and most likely it is going to rain most of the time. I have to visit an outdoor store and get proper shoes etc. I'm still a bit challenged when being on my own outside of cities. Looking forward.