The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I hope you are having a wonderful time with your families. Does this time of the year make you also wonder a little? I mostly wonder how much money is kind of wasted by people buying each other nicely wrapped random items they don't really appreciate. Last night I walked through Midtown Manhattan at around 1 AM and the streets were crowded with last-minute Christmas shoppers. I feel like Christmas presents are a great thing to make children happy. However, grown-ups instead of buying each other stuff, could maybe do some more mature and helpful things during "the most wonderful time of the year".
I was in a store the other day noticing how busy, dense and hectic it was. Everybody was so determined while all those Christmas songs were playing. It immediately reminded me of some sort of lab experiment where the store is like a box full of little mice that get very hectic under the influence of supposedly calming songs.