Now on iTunes

I just opened up with New York City section in the store and added this as the first picture.I took it on one of the Christmas holidays shortly before the blizzard hit the city. In case you're wondering why the Beatles haven't been in on iTunes earlier, I believe to know the reason :-DI remember that Beatles originally published their music under their own label named Apple Records. The computer company with the same name had a fight with this record label, and from what I once heard in the radio, they agreed that Apple Computers may keep the name as long as they won't enter the music business. This changed when Apple came up with the iPod and iTunes. I guess some major struggle went on until the Beatles who were originally released under Apple Records made it into the stores of Apple. In fact, I remember those old Beatles records. They had an apple on the center of the cover as well as the center of the LPs. On the cover you saw the apple from the outside, on the LP itself you saw the inside of the apple like it was sliced in half. I used to play those records from time to time when I was very little and always found that apple stuff very original.