More Store Talk

Even though I want the store to grow and make everything available to you, I'm way too distracted these days to get everything in there. I wanted to let you know that in case you are looking to buy a particular image that is not available yet, you can always drop me a line and I will add the image to the store for you.Micheal from New Jersey sent me this email a couple of days ago:"Hello!My fiance and I are big fans of your work.Her birthday is coming up, and I've been trying to track down a print of 'Sitting and Waiting'.I can't seem to find one (either on your new website store or elsewhere). Any chance there's a place I could order a print?Thanks,Michael"I added the image immediately and by now, the print is already on its way to New Jersey thanks to super fast handling by Fotomoto.A friend from Switzerland just had a request similar to Michael's. Fotomoto ships worldwide, but it is not the best option yet, as everything is being printed in California. To keep the shipping costs low I can work out other ways to get you your print if you are located in Europe. You just need to get in touch with me.Sitting and Waiting (store link)