The Castle of Runkel & Fundraiser News

The Castle of Runkel was built about 1059 A.D. and is located in a small town in Germany. If you're eager to know the exact location, you can follow this link. And if you are eager to have this picture on your walls at home, you may order it through my online store. And yes, my profits are still being donated to Japan in full.

Fundraiser news: FotoMoto has joined us!

Our "Photographers for Japan" fundraiser is still going on, and we just extended it once more till April 14. FotoMoto is the company that prints Steffi's and my pictures and sends it to you after you ordered it. They like our fundraiser idea so much that they decided to chip in their share of all our prints sold from March 14 till April 14. Meaning, it's becoming more and more worth getting prints from us to support Japanese tsunami victims. You can read about this on the FotoMoto blog.