Happy Mother Blog Anniversary Day

The photo blog you are currently visiting has its 7th birthday today. On each anniversary I try to come up with a post that's a little different from those regular posts that some of you find interesting, some of you inspiring and some of you just plain weird.
Well, since it's Mother's Day today, how about a photo of my mother and me? In my whole wide family (we are  5 generations of a wide spectrum of individuals) nobody is as driven to travel as she is. In fact, there has been so little interest that it was always very difficult for her to get going. However, she still did. She took all her courage, put me and my brother in her car, and started driving as far as all the way down to the south of France. Watching wild horses, bullfights, and eating hot dogs by the beach...it pretty much opened up whole worlds of new impressions to me. If you ever wonder where my appreciation for traveling comes from, it's this person.
Thank you mom!