The ever-growing infrastructure of Utopia

Just a month left until Burning Man 2013. Since it's an odd (not even) year, I won't be there (a weird rule I made up so I won't be broke every year). Anyway, I've heard lots of exciting news about this year's art, camps and projects. Here are two of those:

The Black Rock Bijou is returning

I somehow missed it in 2010, but last year I suddenly discovered it: the Black Rock City movie theater. It was standing all by itself in the middle of nowhere. Such a fascinating piece. Not speaking of the surprise when stepping in: the theater was fully functional. After getting some candy, I watched a bit of a John Wayne flick. This year the Bijou is coming back and we have the chance to support the project. Here is the Kickstarter video. It has two of my pictures in it, which some of you might have seen on my blog before. Today I'm posting a new dusty one. Check out the video below!

The first Black Rock City Post Office

For the first time Burners will have the chance to send postcards from the Playa out to the so called "Default World". As always, you don't need to bring any money. Just take a postcard, write your message and your fellow post office burners will make sure your card will find its way to your loved ones outside Burning Man. How do I know about it? Well, there is only one type of card and I have the great honor to provide the image. Here is a little mock-up of what the card will look like. I wish someone would send me one ;-)