Kiel No. 7

This is a hand held shot from a little camera test ride through Kiel. Since quite a while I've been looking for a small, lightweight, and weather sealed camera that performs well in the high ISO department. The idea is to have a little companion to take night images anywhere without carrying a tripod and heavy lenses. Since more than 8 years I used the Canon 5D Mark II and since the last couple months I used Steffi's 5D Mark IV. That makes almost a decade of full-frame bliss and a good workout every time I go on a nightly city exploration. I never thought I would go back to a smaller APS-C sized sensor until I noticed what the Fujifilm X Pro 2 is capable of. I might write a larger and nerdier comparison post later. For now I'll cut a long story short by saying that I can take these kinds of photos now with a camera I barely notice when it's on me. I don't know, maybe that's a useful hint for those of you who do similar stuff and are still carrying big camera bags around.Kiel No. 7