
The city of Genoa in Italy. VERY interesting place for photography if you ask me. Dark, complex, exhausting. While approaching it from the highway it looked menacing to us. I was reminded of this scene in Inception where the city folds in on itself. Remember that? You might walk around and think you've seen everything, and then you find yourself on a steep edge, looking down at more magnificent parts of the city on different levels right below your feet. The child in me is fascinated. The adult in me might just describe it as "very steep".

Waiting for the Midnight Date

Venice, ItalyYesterday I FINALLY found my source for great undubbed indie movies - such theaters are not easy to find here in Germany. Check out Mal Seh'n Kino if you happen to be around Frankfurt. Does watching movies do anything to you?During times I don't see a good movie for a while, I start to feel a very strong urge for it. It's like my mind is saying "I'm tired of focusing on the same five things all the time, let's get drawn somewhere else!" The great thing with slow picturesque movies is that they give your mind material and space to make up and add some extra story to it. The effect this has on my photography is that I feel somewhat inspired to create my own story-telling images.If I had seen many cool films lately I would write you a list of recommendations..but I didn't. However, the one I saw yesterday was very good and is worth a look.

Woman in Venice

A street photo from Italy.

New exhibition starting next week

If you are living in or around the city of Wiesbaden, Germany, and would like to join me for a little exhibition opening party, you may keep this upcoming Thursday in mind. The date is not final yet, but I think it's gonna be this Thursday. Details will follow.
Da es sehr kurzfristig sein wird, möchte ich euch schonmal vorsichtig auf das Datum einer kleinen Vernissage-Party in Wiesbaden vorbereiten. Voraussichtlich diesen Donnerstag, 21. April. Bis dahin werde ich auf jeden Fall mehr Infos (hier und auch auf Facebook) posten.