
- Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm opening a photo show named "Desert Utopia" in my gallery NEO NOIR in Kiel this Friday, June 23.- Yeah you are invited! Everybody is invited! Everybody will be there - there will be 20 people there!- What are you saying? That's bad timing because it's in the middle of the Kiel Week, the world's biggest sailing event?- And that's every year in Kiel?- About sailing, huh? Well, how about a picture of a frickin sailing boat in the desert for a change?- 7 pm.WindjammerFind details on FacebookGalerieNEONOIR_DesertUtopia

Midnight Walks Photo Show

So here are all the details about the upcoming photo show in Kiel. Feel free to come over and hang out with me and a bunch of nice people in this super cozy cafe.Midnight WalksAnother thing I'm happy about is that I got to be part of a group of exciting photographers representing Photocircle in the latest issue of Photographie Magazin. It's in stores since a couple of days. It reminds me that I should be more active with Photocircle. Everything they do is awesome!After all, things are not always great. I just canceled a contract with another gallery because of the way they dealt with me and other photographers. Weird and unfair experiences bring me closer to do more on my own. Big news will follow... but for now, YAY! for being published in a shiny magazine...again!Photographie

Exhibition Time

Steffi and I are hiding in a beach house in Denmark right now. I left most of my computer stuff at home, but took my oldest hard drive with me to go through some old pictures.I came across these old snap shots from six years ago: hanging pictures with friends as preparation of a little exhibition I did at the Small World Cafe in Princeton. Fun fun fun! :)Maybe a good chance to let you know that I'll do another one soon. It will be titled "Midnight Walks" and start October 29. This time at the Artist Cafe Godot in Kiel, Germany. More details will follow.sm1sm2sm3sm4sm5

The Urban Session Reloaded

Starting this Thursday I'm once again exhibiting urban photography in Wiesbaden, Germany. The show will be hanging for about a month and it will be pretty much identical to the first Urban Session show. This is basically a "good bye show" as my work won't be permanently present in the NIZZA-DES-NORDENS gallery anymore. I had a fantastic time being part of it and meeting some really cool people all through 2011. Now it's 2012 and time to look for new adventures.

So in case you are interested in seeing some of my stuff in large, I'm showing work from:
San Diego
New York City
San Francisco

Full address:
Am Kranzplatz 5-6
65183 Wiesbaden

Wiesbadener Fototage

Wiesbadener Fototage is a festival of contemporary photography. I don't want to miss letting you know that it is starting this Friday (ending September 25). This is a juried exhibition taking place in 18 galleries all over the city. I'm very much looking forward browsing through all these places and enjoying the amazing works. This is also the first time my Prison Chess project is being exhibited.

Ich möchte euch eben wissen lassen, dass diesen Freitag die Wiesbadener Fototage beginnen, Thema: "Wagnis Fotografie". Das Fotografie-Festival dauert bis 25.9. und ist auf zahlreiche wiesbadener Galerien aufgeteilt. Sieben meiner Prison Chess Bilder werden im NIZZA DES NORDENS am Kranzplatz zu finden sein. Die Ausstellungsstücke werden von den original -von den Insassen ausgefüllten- Fragebögen begleitet. Mehr Informationen über Teilnehmer, Veranstaltungen und Ausstellungsorte findet ihr auf der offiziellen Webseite.