Exhibition Time

Steffi and I are hiding in a beach house in Denmark right now. I left most of my computer stuff at home, but took my oldest hard drive with me to go through some old pictures.I came across these old snap shots from six years ago: hanging pictures with friends as preparation of a little exhibition I did at the Small World Cafe in Princeton. Fun fun fun! :)Maybe a good chance to let you know that I'll do another one soon. It will be titled "Midnight Walks" and start October 29. This time at the Artist Cafe Godot in Kiel, Germany. More details will follow.sm1sm2sm3sm4sm5

In the Park after Dark

Geo Washington Bridge in the background. Of course it's not allowed to be there after dark. How sneaky of me.In case you speak German and are curious to learn a little bit about my photography story, you can find something about it on the blog of photocircle.net. On photocirlce you have the chance to buy great photographic art and by doing that support social projects around the world. I'm following their activities since a while and I'm pretty amazed about how much they are getting done.