Exhibition Time

Steffi and I are hiding in a beach house in Denmark right now. I left most of my computer stuff at home, but took my oldest hard drive with me to go through some old pictures.I came across these old snap shots from six years ago: hanging pictures with friends as preparation of a little exhibition I did at the Small World Cafe in Princeton. Fun fun fun! :)Maybe a good chance to let you know that I'll do another one soon. It will be titled "Midnight Walks" and start October 29. This time at the Artist Cafe Godot in Kiel, Germany. More details will follow.sm1sm2sm3sm4sm5

41 People in Costumes

So yeah, this is the title of my photo show. I already made the announcement on Facebook and Twitter, so I should also do it here. Starting from October 7th, the Small World Coffee cafe on Witherspoon street in Princeton will be decorated with a selection of images that I captured on Halloween in New York from 2006 to 2008. The whole text is now online on the Small World website. You can find it right here.

I really liked hanging out at Small World a lot and always enjoyed the artwork there - I'm glad to participate.

New Series: Princeton Campus

OK, this is now going to sound a little like a moving sale.
I'll put all my favorite images into several series soon, as I'm going to leave the Princeton area in a couple of weeks. Does that sentence make any sense at all? Yes, I wanted those series to be finished with the certainty that I won't have more pictures to add over time.

My gallery (consisting of 16 series right now) does what in my understanding an amateur photography gallery does. It reflects on the photographers life and shows some sort of progression. For you, I just hope you like the colors and perspectives. For me, each image comes with a set of intense memories. Not necessarily of the subject itself, but I remember many many details from the day it was taken.

There will be a new New York series, as well as a Philadelphia series, and a black and white street series. Everything must go as I'm going, too. But for now, let's put the Princeton campus pictures out there. If you followed my blog over the last year, you know them all, sorry for the boredom, but that's all I got.

During almost all my 6 years here in the area I used to need a 20 minutes drive to reach the campus. I visited this place quite often and enjoyed walking around and taking pictures. Last spring I moved very close to the campus, and for some reason I stopped visiting it right at that point. Weird but anyway, here are the results: