The Curious Case of the Times Square Rush

This picture enjoys quite some popularity.

During next week, it will be displayed as "picture of the day" on 1200 screens all over Germany. I got contacted by the company INFOSCREEN which runs those displays. Most of them are located in subway/train stations, and airports and are used to "infotain" waiting passengers. The picture will be shown on three different days, 50 times each day during a time slot of 8.5 hours (basically every ten minutes). 1200*150*X-viewers-per-screen...that's a lot of exposure! I think Lil Wayne and Mr. Peanut owe me one.

Also, it will be displayed as background in a dance performance during the White Turf horse racing event in St. Moritz this Saturday. The dance performance is done by a group called 2dance and their website can be found here.