Iceland so far

It has been four days already. When I try to recall each day and the things I did, there is one whole day that simply appears as a dark spot with no memories. After thinking about it for a while I came to the conclusion that I have to stretch all the things I did over this time period without thinking in days. Sometimes I'm more up during the day, sometimes more during the night. I'm very unorganized right now and I enjoy that. Last night I slept in the car on a camping ground parking lot. I don't have a tent and I don't think I really need one as I have the ability to have great and recreating sleep anywhere at any time.
So what did I do? Mostly driving. I circled the whole Island in what I believe to be two, but my calendar counts as three days. The first day I didn't stop much because it was raining so much. Sometimes I hopped out of the car and did tiny hikes for pictures. I had to dry the camera after each of these little adventures. The second day I didn't stop much because the weather was nice. Does that make sense? Yes. I wanted to see as much as possible with nice weather before it gets bad again - which is supposed to happen today..yay!