Happy New Everything!

Hello and happy new year! If you just got here and you are a bit confused, that's totally fine.Let me explain:

  • This photo blog got a major face lift
  • It has a new additional URL - www.fluck.de/blog
  • And it has also moved. I left blogger.com and I'm now hosting it by myself using Wordpress.

And now the biggest change:

  • My photography store is finally online!

You can reach it under fluck.de. I'm really exited that I can now finally offer you any of my photographs as fine art and canvas prints right after posting. I'm using fotomoto.com as printing and eCommerce partner, which makes this all very convenient for you and me. At this point the shelves are still a bit empty, but I'm in the process of filling in many of my works. If you wish to keep updated about new additions to the store, you have the option to subscribe to the store newsletter. This is also a good option to get special offers right into your inbox. The form to sign up is on the store website.I hope you like the changes.