New Design and New Portfolio

Finally this website got a new design and another -more selective- portfolio structure. I'm a bit late with writing this now you might have already noticed that everything looks a bit different on here. If not, welcome! Feel free to go on a little tour. I'll be posting a couple more projects to the portfolio soon.Two new picturesWhile putting together this new portfolio I dug out two pictures that I haven't showed on the blog before. To bring this back in balance I'm posting them now. Here they are. The first one is a landscape from Iceland that you can find in the series "HURRY UP WE ARE DREAMING!"The second one is a street photo from Havana. It found a home in the series "THE FORGOTTEN ISLAND."Wow, when I say "series" and call them by their does sound a little over important. Well, it's not. I just really enjoy creating. I get unsatisfied when I consume for too long without creating and contributing something. So here we go:Gullfosscar

Dunnottar Castle

I found this very impressive sight at the Scottish East Coast.About the processing: I added a little bit of a pinhole camera effect to it. You don't have to like it, I'm not even sure I like it myself - I can tell you in two days or so.Here is another thing I'm not so sure about. You must have noticed that I widened the blog a little. Now images are shown 900 instead of 700 pixel wide. How about that? Is this good? If the blog appears a little too weird now, in a way that makes you think something is broken, you might have to reload the page entirely so the new stuff is not being mixed up with whatever is left in the cache of your browser. For me just hitting the reload button did the trick.

Rainy Sunday

Instagram anyone? I caught this one last Sunday with my cell phone and beautified it with one of the awesome filters that come with the app. If you like, you can find me right here. Here is an iTunes link to the app for the newbies among you.

Google Page Rank 5/10

A couple of days ago I noticed that the Google Page Rank for went up to 5/10. I think the last time I checked was more than a year ago and I remember it being 3/10. And this was stuck there for a long long time. I'm wondering if switching from to a self-hosted Wordpress had any influence. I know that regularly adding new content helps. The main boost comes probably form other pages linking to here. At this point, thank you guys for doing so - I'm glad you are enjoying the blog!Page Rank

Man Sitting in Doorway

Cuba, 2010

Website got hacked

Thanks everybody who sent me emails, Facebook & Twitter messages about issues with the website. My online store was using a popular script for re-sizing images. The script is called TimThumb and happens to be part of many Wordpress themes. This means that probably thousands of blogs are currently vulnerable. I think the whole thing started just a couple of weeks ago when Mark Maunder detected a security issue with this script. Shortly after the issue got public, my site started to behave strange in several ways. It's pretty weird when you suddenly have to fix things on your website even though nothing was officially touched. Anyway, I don't wanna go more into detail. If you are generally interested in what is going on with the timThumb problem, you could start reading on now after resetting passwords, I simply deleted all scripts from my website and installed Wordpress fresh from scratch. Even though the blog looks almost same old (and messy) as before, everything behind it is very much up to date and very clean.The online store is not back to life yet and I won't rush with it as I'm thinking of revamping it.

Happy New Everything!

Hello and happy new year! If you just got here and you are a bit confused, that's totally fine.Let me explain:

  • This photo blog got a major face lift
  • It has a new additional URL -
  • And it has also moved. I left and I'm now hosting it by myself using Wordpress.

And now the biggest change:

  • My photography store is finally online!

You can reach it under I'm really exited that I can now finally offer you any of my photographs as fine art and canvas prints right after posting. I'm using as printing and eCommerce partner, which makes this all very convenient for you and me. At this point the shelves are still a bit empty, but I'm in the process of filling in many of my works. If you wish to keep updated about new additions to the store, you have the option to subscribe to the store newsletter. This is also a good option to get special offers right into your inbox. The form to sign up is on the store website.I hope you like the changes.