New Instagram Terms

I don't know if you use Instagram and whether or not the news have reached you yet. Instagram is about to change their terms. In their new terms Instagram reserves the right to sell your pictures to other companies. Can this be true? Apparently. The new terms say::" agree that a business or other entity may pay us to display your username, likeness, photos (along with any associated metadata), and/or actions you take, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, without any compensation to you."What do you think about this? Would this be reason enough for your to delete your Instagram account? Or is this maybe a good thing for photographers who wish to gain exposure? How does it compare with Facebook? Is it maybe the same thing Facebook reserves to do with your intellectual property, or is this different? It sounds different for sure.For your information, these terms are valid for the pictures you post starting January 16, 2013. I might just stop using their app on that date and leave my account as is. Who knows, maybe Instagram will become one large virtual ghost town one day. Just like many other social platforms before, just much more visual.Anyway, this blog is about pictures and not politics. So how about some Instagram pictures today? ;-)

Into the Void

One 'real' photo and some Instagram snaps from my 2-week road trip. I got this van from Escape Rentals - you might wanna have a look in case you are thinking of visiting New Zealand. I think they are great if you travel alone, and still okay for a couple. What I liked about them is that all of their vans are uniquely spray-painted with individual themes. I was happy to drive the Dali model, after they first tried to give me the Wurst model which -as you might guess- had sausages painted on in.

Rainy Sunday

Instagram anyone? I caught this one last Sunday with my cell phone and beautified it with one of the awesome filters that come with the app. If you like, you can find me right here. Here is an iTunes link to the app for the newbies among you.

Google Page Rank 5/10

A couple of days ago I noticed that the Google Page Rank for went up to 5/10. I think the last time I checked was more than a year ago and I remember it being 3/10. And this was stuck there for a long long time. I'm wondering if switching from to a self-hosted Wordpress had any influence. I know that regularly adding new content helps. The main boost comes probably form other pages linking to here. At this point, thank you guys for doing so - I'm glad you are enjoying the blog!Page Rank