Hurry up we are dreaming

Okay, here is a little story. It's stupid and has nothing to do with this photo and will probably destroy its mood, but I want to tell it anyway. Because I'm so annoyed about it. You don't need to read all that. It just feels good to shout it out.

So I recently moved to a new town, and because of that I thought I would socialize a bit by joining a local photography group on Facebook. Fine. People post all kinds of things, some interesting, some less. You know what it's like, everybody has their own things and concerns.
Yesterday a girl posted something telling everybody that she started a new local animal-photography group. Not my thing, but I thought it was legit and probably interesting to some.
Shortly later the group admin deleted the girl's post announcing that posts about other groups are frowned upon and that nobody needs yet another animal photography group. I found that pretty rude and wanted to know what the deal is. So I wrote an own post asking why this is a problem. After all I'm new to the group trying to figure out what's going on. What I got was a shitstorm by him and some of his buddies. Telling me in a military style that "if the admin says so then this is how it goes. PERIOD."
Moreover the all mighty admin kept telling me his sketchy sounding reasons and tried to make me understand that the girl accepted these reasons. As the girl suddenly showed up telling everybody that she in fact did not agree with that, the shittstorm-group asked their admin buddy to delete the discussion. You can really imagine it like a wild mob:
"Delete it!"
"Yeah! Delete it!"
So I suggested that he could delete the discussion, but should let the girl repeat her post about her animal photo group. The response was that if he as the admin starts to agree on deals, everybody will start thinking they can do what they want. ...yeah right!
Then the discussion I started got deleted before I could say something. that I wrote all this down I feel better. Why does stuff like that annoy me so much? I don't know. I'm the calmest person (I'm pretty much like the picture below), but am really allergic to people who aggressively limit others in their freedom due to their own limited brain power. And I'm not saying I'm smarter than anybody, I just hate observing those things or be a victim of such. That must also be the reason why I get quite irritated when reading articles about certain political figures and institutions.
Anyway, feeling better now. Picture is from Scotland, by the way ;-)

Hurry Up We Are Dreaming

Isle of Skye 2

Right at this moment a group of young ladies are traveling through Scotland with their backpacks. From what I was told, the main motivation for doing that came from my photos of the Scottish Highlands.That's nice to hear! Here is another one. Enjoy your trip, girls!


Quiraing is one of several distinctive pieces of landscape that can be found on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Now what looks like I climbed onto the roof of the world here, was actually just a ten minute walk from a parking lot.

Dunnottar Castle

I found this very impressive sight at the Scottish East Coast.About the processing: I added a little bit of a pinhole camera effect to it. You don't have to like it, I'm not even sure I like it myself - I can tell you in two days or so.Here is another thing I'm not so sure about. You must have noticed that I widened the blog a little. Now images are shown 900 instead of 700 pixel wide. How about that? Is this good? If the blog appears a little too weird now, in a way that makes you think something is broken, you might have to reload the page entirely so the new stuff is not being mixed up with whatever is left in the cache of your browser. For me just hitting the reload button did the trick.