
One of the main fun things to do in Havana for me was silently setting up the camera in stairways like this one. You usually hear a mix of voices and music. Some further, some close. Some approaching, some others fading away.

Havana Balconies

In Cuba it is very common to paint walls completely turquoise and use bright neon lamps to light the rooms. The turquoise light shining through the windows gives a really cool touch to night images. There is lots of detail in this one. I think you will much more enjoy this image when you look at the larger version.

Little Boy Hiding

When I was that little, such wheelbarrows were part of my daily life as well. During that time, my parents together with my grandpa were building our house in west-central Germany. That was 30 years ago. I'm wondering if the Havana of 2040 is going to look much different from now. Who knows, maybe it won't change. Visiting this place then would be an even more incredible experience than it is nowadays already.

Rainy Night

A rainy night in Havana.

Scott London
I have an interesting link for you today. Ivan just left a comment on my latest Burning Man image with a link to the website of a philosophical journalist named Scott London. Scott shows 100 great images from the last BM, but also 100 images from 2009, 08, 07, all the way to 2005. What I found interesting, he also photographed Salton Sea - maybe you remember my posts from this place. I only have scratched the surface of the page so far, but it seems to be intellectually very stimulating Here is the link for you.