Reading the News

A store in Havana. I'm not sure what things were usually sold there as the store was pretty empty. I think the owner was waiting for a delivery.

For this image I took a slightly different processing path from what I usually do. It's hard to explain as I mostly just follow my intuition. Technically I played a lot more with gradient curves. Those curves I apply only patch-wise by masking those adjustments out where I don't want them. If you do this to an image a lot I think it's important to look at the image in its whole from time to time to see if it still has an harmonic appearance. If a picture looses its "pop" or you're looking for some extra spice, the presets in Topaz Adjust are there to help you out.

Empty Rooms - Statisten gesucht!

Mauritius Galerie, Wiesbaden, Germany

Together with NIZZA DES NORDENS and Herr Mattes I'm working on a new art project here in Wiesbaden. Anyone who feels like it can be part of this project by being an extra in our pictures. The shooting as well as the exhibition takes place in an abandoned shopping mall. I think we're gonna have some fun!

Zusammen mit NIZZA DES NORDENS und Herr Mattes suche ich Menschen, die an einem Foto-Kunstprojekts als Statisten mitwirken möchten. Shooting und Ausstellung wird in der Wiesbadener Mauritiusgalerie stattfinden. Fotografiert wird am 4. Juni. Mehr dazu könnt ihr hier lesen. Bei Fragen könnt ihr mir gerne mailen.

El Capitolio II

The Capitolio in Havana, Cuba.

Vernissage in Wiesbaden this Thursday

I'm preparing a new exhibition for NIZZA DES NORDENS in Wiesbaden, Germany.Actually, it should all be prepared by now, but I'm still waiting for the prints. The plan is to show highlights of my portfolio on a large scale to a broader audience. You will probably be able to see this till the end of next month. If you have the time, feel free to come over and join us for the vernissage at 8 pm this Thursday. We will serve cold drinks and DJ Mr. MOJO will be on the turntables. Check the Facebook event!Also, nochmal in kurz: Am Donnerstag 20:00 Uhr startet die Vernissage für eine neue kleine Ausstellung. Wer Lust hat ein bisschen mit zu feiern, schaut einfach mal im NIZZA DES NORDENS vorbei [Facebook Event].NIZZA DES NORDENSAm Kranzplatz 565185 Wiesbaden /Germany

Bare Staircase

Today I had the time to sit down, pick an image out of my archives and process it. However, I have the luxurious problem that my archive is pretty large and I'm undecided what to pick. I simply asked my twittter friends what they want to see. The great thing about twitter is that you can ask things your followers, and almost always get immediate responses.This time @dj_ir0ngruve was the first who replied telling me he would like to see a new HDR from Cuba. Here it is - also available for purchase in my online store.


Two days ago I finished a 90-page print-on-demand book with two images per page. I will use this book as a catalog that I can hand out to potential buyers or exhibitors. Giving all your best work in one piece that is easy to browse is surely better than a website link. Preparing this was a lot of work for me as all my good images were spread out in all sorts of folders on my computer. My files are organized by year, then by month and then by location. So most of the time I spent searching for the good stuff and doing final adjustments on the full-resolution images. Finally it's all done and I'm awaiting this book to arrive next week. There is just one downside to this: as soon as I finish editing a new image, the printed catalog is not up to date anymore. Like now.

A house entrance in Old Havana. You can find this image in my store.