My Photographic Evolution

If you are a strict chapel-goer, you might not be too much interested in evolution, but if you are, here is the missing link for 2009.

2005 shows what my early photography attempts looked like. In 2006 I was in the HDR-puberty which calmed down well throughout the following years.

2009 is my year of the fisheye, but the enthusiasm for using it outdoors is fading already. I also started to use tonemapping and HDR software less and less, and rather combine exposures by hand.






Princeton killing Cornell

So here it is: the very first '5D Mark II' picture I'm posting. Let me welcome you to the full-frame/fisheye age on with a slam dunk by Kareem Maddox of the Princeton Tigers.

About the lens: It's the Sigma 15mm 2.8 fisheye. It's a little less expensive than the Canon counterpart, but at the same time it's built nicer and produces a little bit better images - at least that's what I read.

I also read a lot about the 5D of course, so there were no surprises on that part either. This is an ISO 6400 picture. I'm all set, that all I need for now.