Snow Storm People

From last winter when I was stuck in New York City because of a snow storm. My friends left me the keys to their apartment so I spent the time walking through the snow. I think the empty villages were the most fun part. Some of the little pubs and restaurants were open and it was just super nice sitting in there while the snow was blowing by outside the window. Funny, just a week before I was laying on the beach in San Diego. Anyway I added this image to the gallery in case you want it.

I know some of you would love to see some more colorful images here. I'm posting all the colours in form of music today.

Wiesbadener Fototage

Wiesbadener Fototage is a festival of contemporary photography. I don't want to miss letting you know that it is starting this Friday (ending September 25). This is a juried exhibition taking place in 18 galleries all over the city. I'm very much looking forward browsing through all these places and enjoying the amazing works. This is also the first time my Prison Chess project is being exhibited.

Ich möchte euch eben wissen lassen, dass diesen Freitag die Wiesbadener Fototage beginnen, Thema: "Wagnis Fotografie". Das Fotografie-Festival dauert bis 25.9. und ist auf zahlreiche wiesbadener Galerien aufgeteilt. Sieben meiner Prison Chess Bilder werden im NIZZA DES NORDENS am Kranzplatz zu finden sein. Die Ausstellungsstücke werden von den original -von den Insassen ausgefüllten- Fragebögen begleitet. Mehr Informationen über Teilnehmer, Veranstaltungen und Ausstellungsorte findet ihr auf der offiziellen Webseite.