Exhibitions Update

Funny that there is/was so much going on at the same time. That's usually not the case.

- The Seen.by show that took place in California ended yesterday.

- The "41 People in Costumes" show is ending on Tuesday. Actually, it's not 41 people anymore. Two pictures I didn't hang because they turned out to be not family friendly enough. There was too much blood in them. Another picture got bought by someone who needed it right away. The remaining 38 people in costumes can be seen at the Small World Coffee branch on Witherspoon Street for one more day. Tomorrow, Monday Nov 2 that is.
After that, Chris Harford will be hanging really interesting looking paintings. Here is a link.

- And last Thursday started the "American Cityscapes" exhibition in the hospital of my hometown. Steffi was there and snapped some pictures. It will be hanging till January 15 (St. Vincenz Krankenhaus).

Seen.by goes US

I have the pleasure to show my work in another photo show that will open this month. Seen.by does its very first exhibition in the US, hosted by the OMC gallery in Huntington Beach, CA.
There is a press release on Facebook.
The list of featured artists goes like this:

Lena Beleke
Peter W. Czernich
Christine Ellger
Oliver Fluck
Matthias Just
Till Melchior
Thomas Schweizer
Harald Seiwert

At this point I could actually also tell you that I'm preparing a photo show in my hometown in Germany. It will be a series of cityscape prints mostly of size 80x60cm (32x24 inches) with 'plex'-finish.

Here are all three exhibitions ordered by opening date:

September 24: Seen.by US exhibition, OMC Gallery, Huntington Beach, CA (09/24 - 10/31)
October 7: "41 People in Costumes", Small World Coffee, Princeton, NJ (10/07 - 11/03)
October 29: "Amerikanische Stadtlandschaften", St. Vinzenz Krankenhaus, Limburg a.d. Lahn, Germany (10/29 - end of year)

41 People in Costumes

So yeah, this is the title of my photo show. I already made the announcement on Facebook and Twitter, so I should also do it here. Starting from October 7th, the Small World Coffee cafe on Witherspoon street in Princeton will be decorated with a selection of images that I captured on Halloween in New York from 2006 to 2008. The whole text is now online on the Small World website. You can find it right here.

I really liked hanging out at Small World a lot and always enjoyed the artwork there - I'm glad to participate.

The Curious Case of the Times Square Rush

This picture enjoys quite some popularity.

During next week, it will be displayed as "picture of the day" on 1200 screens all over Germany. I got contacted by the company INFOSCREEN which runs those displays. Most of them are located in subway/train stations, and airports and are used to "infotain" waiting passengers. The picture will be shown on three different days, 50 times each day during a time slot of 8.5 hours (basically every ten minutes). 1200*150*X-viewers-per-screen...that's a lot of exposure! I think Lil Wayne and Mr. Peanut owe me one.

Also, it will be displayed as background in a dance performance during the White Turf horse racing event in St. Moritz this Saturday. The dance performance is done by a group called 2dance and their website can be found here.