10 Free iPad Wallpapers

Today is the 6th anniversary of this photo blog! Wow..time flies! If you are curious about the early days, I wrote a little about it in last year's post.I was wondering what I could prepare in the spirit of the celebrations, and came up with the idea of free iPads for all my readers!! Then I changed my mind and decided to give away free iPad wallpapers instead...how about that? :-)Here they are. Optimized for the 3rd gen iPad we are looking at pictures from- White Sands, New Mexico- The Tall Grass Prairie, Oklahoma- Blankenberge, Belgium- Iceland - god knows where exactly that was..- New York City (twice)- Frankfurt, Germany- And the last three are from Southern California

Rainy Sunday

Instagram anyone? I caught this one last Sunday with my cell phone and beautified it with one of the awesome filters that come with the app. If you like, you can find me right here. Here is an iTunes link to the app for the newbies among you.

Google Page Rank 5/10

A couple of days ago I noticed that the Google Page Rank for fluck.de went up to 5/10. I think the last time I checked was more than a year ago and I remember it being 3/10. And this was stuck there for a long long time. I'm wondering if switching from blogspot.com to a self-hosted Wordpress had any influence. I know that regularly adding new content helps. The main boost comes probably form other pages linking to here. At this point, thank you guys for doing so - I'm glad you are enjoying the blog!Page Rank

Exhibition opening today!

This is a super short notice for the EMPTY_ROOMS exhibition in Wiesbaden, Germany. This is an event taking place in an abandoned shopping mall showing works of nine very different artists. Most of the shown work was created inside the empty mall. Besides photography, artists are showing installations and video art. The above picture is one of the pictures I'll be showing.Sorry für die späte Ankündigung..heute (Freitag) Abend findet die Eröffnung der EMPTY_ROOMS Ausstellung im Rahmen des Wiesbadener Architektursommers statt. Falls ihr interessiert seid, es heute aber nicht zur Party schafft, könnt ihr die Ausstellungshalle in der Wiesbadener Mauritiusgalerie noch bis 20. September besuchen. Für die, die das jetzt lesen und überlegen zu kommen, hier das Programm des Abends.Freitag , 26. AUGUST 2011EINLASS 19 Uhr19:45 UhrEröffnende Worte des Projektleiters und Kurators Leander Rubrecht, Nizza des NordensBegrüßungslaudatio durch den Oberbürgermeister der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden, Dr. Helmut Müller20:00 UhrEinführung in die Ausstellung durch den Darmstädter Kunstkritiker Dr. Roland Held20:30 UhrKunstperformance „ARTIST (ah ... Tisi ta)“ von Jiny Lan, Bochumin Zusammenarbeit mit der Kuratorin Juan Xu - IO e.V. und Ralf Kopp/ Videokunstab 22:00 UhrPreview AFTER_SHOW_PartyIn Kooperation mit Kontrast Musik:2 // Jacks (U60311, Kontrast Musik)Rafael Sotomayor (The Art Of Fusion)Jylie (Kontrast Musik)Plushy (Kontrast Musik)Falls ihr Kontrast Musik noch nicht kennt, oder deren letzten Auftritt im NIZZA verpasst habt:

Aitana Was Here

Yup, that's the famous Neuschwanstein Castle in the background. The guys at Walt Disney made it even more famous than it already was when they designed the castle of the Sleeping Beauty after it. The copy you can find in Disney Land in California. The original one stands in Schwangau, about two hours south of Munich.

Google Search by image

The other day I tried this new image search feature by Google. Have you heard about it? I noticed it after Scott Weyden tweeted about it. What it does is it lets you search for images, but not with words, but with actual pictures. You enter an image (or the address to an image) and Google checks for you on which websites this image is being shown. I tried it with "The Rat's View". And indeed, Google showed me a whole bunch of websites where people have used it. Here is one of those sites. I think this is pretty interesting for photographers or anybody who creates images. Give it a try!